Thursday, March 20, 2008

R.A.R. Edwards's Presentation

Professor Edwards gave a presentation on March 20, 2008.  

Vlog will be posted  soon.  

Deafhood workshop

Come to the Deafhood Workshop in Rochester, NY on March 29
more info on the event go to:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Community Forum on Deafhood

Rochester School for the Deaf
1545 St. Paul St. Rochester, NY 14621

Saturday, March 29, 2008 8 pm - 10 pm
Learning Resource Center

Members of the Deaf community are invited to attend this FREE informational and question-and-answer session regarding the Deafhood experts Ella Mae Lentz, David Eberwein and Genie Gertz will be in attendance.  This is an opportunity for individuals to express interests and/or concerns regarding the concepts of Deafhood and to ask Deafhood-related questions.  Come and explore the world of Deafhood with your friends.  Space is limited, so advanced registration is required.  

For more information and/or RSVP by March 26th, please contact Pamela Conley at

The Bell Dorm and Plaque Controversy

Dr. Rebecca Edwards
Chair of RIT History Department
Presents her finding on the original of "Bell Dorm" and the plague.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 7 pm - 9 pm
Liberal Arts Building - 06-A205 (Basement Lecture Hall)

Discussion should the Name and Plaque Stay or Go and Vigil March to Bell Dorm

Tuesday, March 11, 2008




Tuesday, March 11, 2008- 6pm and 830pm $5.00!
NTID Panara Theatre (Building 60)

Info: Pam Conley -

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sign On Now

to sign petition - go to:

Reasons for the removal of the plaque & dorm name in AG Bell's honor:
1. AG Bell's ideals were to:
- forbid the use of ASL in schools
- raze Deaf schools
- prohibit d/Deaf publications, organizations and conventions
- stop d/Deaf and d/Deaf marriages
- prevent d/Deaf offsprings
- prohibit d/Deaf people from becoming teachers

2. promoted a device (the telephone) that would not be accessible for d/Deaf people for almost one century resulting in a huge amount of job discrimination for d/Deaf people
- accused of plagiarizing the patent and engaging in bribery to claim the title as the inventor of the telephone - See "The Telephone Gambit" by Seth Shulman
- made no attempt to invent any device that would allow d/Deaf people to communicate via long distances
- ignored George Veditz's inquiry "I wonder if you could be induced to turn your attention to a sort of television that will do for the eye what the telephone does for the ear." 1915

3. Caused tension, conflict, and communication barriers between oral and ASL d/Deaf people

See O&B Coalition vlog introducing the petition
O& B Coalition request for feedback and possible new names for the dorm

Sources re: AG Bell's oral/aural only approach as destructive to ASL, Deaf culture and d/Deaf people:
Dr. Edward's article on the dorm/plaque in Bell's honor
Forbidden Signs: American Culture and the Campaign Against Sign Language by Dr. Douglas Baynton
Mask of Benevolence: Disabiling the Deaf Community by Dr. Harlan Lane
The Twain Shall Never Meet: The Communications Debate by Richard Winefield
A Place of Their Own: Creating the Deaf Community in America by Dr. Van Cleve and Dr. Crouch

NOTE: all the above authors are hearing scholars.

About Orange Brown Coalition

Mission: To share with the RIT community about Deaf Culture (language, history, humor, etc.) and related activities.

To facilitate relationships between Deaf and hearing members of the RIT community through awareness of our cultures.

To provide opportunities for self-empowerment and self-advocacy of Deaf people on campus.

[Click Here To View ASL Version]