Thursday, May 22, 2008

DSNC signature of AG Bell's name/plaque removal!

Dr. Hurwitz,

I went to North Carolina of Deaf Seniors for performance and one of your classmates, they wanted me to bring the poster of their signatures to you. The signatures are total 106 support to remove AG Bell's name and plaque.

It is heartfelt to see DSNC to share and stand together. DSNC is a role modeling for other Deaf seniors to be unity and support for this issues.


Anonymous said...

Alan Hurwitz

Hearing people will be the first people to disgrac Bell as a plagiarist in the near future. All of his honors will be stripped off!

As usual, you and Deaf people will be the *last* ones to wake up.

mishkazena said...

Wonderful news.

I am glad all of you are still persisting with this goal. The removal of AGBell's name from the dorm is a very important cause.

*hands waving*


Ella Mae Lentz said...

That's a wonderful example of promoting social justice for Deaf people wherever you go. Wow, petition with Deaf Seniors!?! May this open up idea for other Deaf Seniors to do the same again and again (as well as people of all ages, Deaf and hearing, until that building is free of honoring AGBell.
Good job, Ruthie!

Ella Mae Lentz said...

That's a wonderful example of promoting social justice for Deaf people wherever you go. Wow, petition with Deaf Seniors!?! May this open up idea for other Deaf Seniors to do the same again and again (as well as people of all ages, Deaf and hearing, until that building is free of honoring AGBell.
Good job, Ruthie!

Orange and Brown Coalition said...


Yes, I WON'T GIVE UP TILL AG BELL'S NAME remove of dorm and will continue fight for Deaf community till I die!

Yes exactly- All Deaf seniors from North Carolina and it was heartfelt to see them express. Three of them expressed even they were from AG Bell program and they shared about their experiences. I will upload their video soon after graduation ends!
Smile- we plants seed of Deafhood and now it is rumbling to blossom our seeds to grow our beautiful soul out of ground! Your soul is always with me and Deaf community plus Deaf seniors!
Welcome anytime as I'll keep it up till I die. :)
Ruthie- Eyepoetic!

About Orange Brown Coalition

Mission: To share with the RIT community about Deaf Culture (language, history, humor, etc.) and related activities.

To facilitate relationships between Deaf and hearing members of the RIT community through awareness of our cultures.

To provide opportunities for self-empowerment and self-advocacy of Deaf people on campus.

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