Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Orange n Brown Rally:

Check it out:




1. Lack of ASL interpreters

2. Lack of ASL/English language development as part of the curriculum

3. Lack of valuing ASL skills when hiring new professors

4. ASL is not in the Strategic 2010 plan while English and Spoken communication is mentioned several times.

5. Signing in public places still scores LOW grade

6. Dormitory and plaque in AG Bell's honor (oral/ aural exclusvist)

7. Students demand the right to be seen/heard

WHEN: May 2nd, Friday
TIME: 8am - 5pm
WHERE: SDC (Student Development Center at NTID)


Anonymous said...

I'm Deaf and a native ASL user. I just started a process of applying to RIT/NTID and ended up receiving some correspondence from RIT/NTID.

I've kept tabs on this situation and I'm concerned. First of all, I'm not crazy about a building named after AG Bell but other than that I need evidence pointing to alleged patterns of Audism and more. I'm concerned about quality support services.

Common sense suggests I look at both sides and be objective about this while leaning to one side.

I wonder why is it that not enough RIT/NTID students, faculty, staff and alumni involving themselves in this cause? What's to expect?

Is the problem not as big as seemingly portrayed by Ruthie Jordan on behalf of consenting compatriots?

I'm not suggesting the movement isn't a good idea. Valid points were made here and in past entries on this blog/vlog outlet.

I'm not inviting comparisons and expectations from DPN and UFG but still a pressing question remains: where's the supposed mass in numbers appropriate for deaf of RIT/NTID? Why isn't CSUN and Gallaudet people contributing enough to this as RIT/NTID did for Gallaudet's causes dating back to DPN and UFG?

Please educate me about this and I might as well contribute in a way promoting cordial of relations for the betterment of RIT/NTID complementing that of CSUN, Gallaudet and others notables emerging since ADA was passed into law.

Orange and Brown Coalition said...

Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Audism exist everywhere

By O & B calling attention to the lack of proper recognition of ASL at NTID/RIT - we are not saying NTID/RIT is a bad place. It is a GREAT place and has amazing potential to be its best.

Hopefully NTID/RIT will begin to show evidence of its efforts to remove audism from its campus. A noble goal yes but very worthy of pursuing.

NTID/RIT is considering:
-renaming Bell hall
-putting audism in its policy against discrimination
-having Deaf people be considered akin to AALANA candidates when recruiting and hiring

There are probably many other ways NTID/RIT is examining the unexamined and seeking to be its best.

What efforts it is making to have ASL equally valued and utlized at NTID/RIT is not yet self-evident

some times it only takes one person to peacefully stand up and say - equality now

Think Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, Harvey Milks, Chief Seattle, and more

What we see emerging across the Deaf World landscape is an awaking of a collective Deaf soul - an appreciation and value of ASL as equally important as English and the beauty of being bicultural

For many NTID/RIT is an awesome place because it offers cross-cultural, bilingual / bicultural exchanges on a daily basis. It also has a vibrant local, grassroot Deaf community

It is clear you have a good heart and a good mind. You also show compassion with passion - both are very much needed in the world today.

Best wishes with your decision and all you do.

About Orange Brown Coalition

Mission: To share with the RIT community about Deaf Culture (language, history, humor, etc.) and related activities.

To facilitate relationships between Deaf and hearing members of the RIT community through awareness of our cultures.

To provide opportunities for self-empowerment and self-advocacy of Deaf people on campus.

[Click Here To View ASL Version]